1000 Books Before Kindergarten

The Oradell Free Public Library is excited to be a participating library in the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program.


On behalf of the BCCLS community and the Oradell Public Library, we invite you to participate in this free program which encourages you to read 1,000 books with your child before he or she begins kindergarten.

Program Overview

The concept is simple, but the rewards are priceless. Read a book (any book) to your newborn, infant, toddler, and/or preschooler. The goal is to read 1,000 books before your child starts kindergarten (yes, you can repeat books!). Does it sound hard?  If you read just one book a night, you will have read 365 books in a year; that is 730 books in two years and 1,095 books in three years. If you consider that most children start kindergarten at around five years of age, you have more time than you think.  The key is perseverance. Make it exciting. When your children reach a milestone, give him/her a small reward (stickers, books, etc. ).

How to Get Started

  • Read with your child.  Studies have shown that reading with your child provides a great opportunity for bonding. 
  • Keep track of the titles of any book being read to your child (this includes other family members and teachers) either on the log we have provided or on the 1000 books app (available for iPhone and Android).
  • Visit the library at each 100 increment to get a sticker and have your child’s picture on placed on our wall of participants (with your permission, of course). 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who can participate in this program?  Any child from birth until he or she enters kindergarten can participate.
  • How long will the program take?  The program is self-paced and will depend on how often you read together.
  • How many of my children can participate?  All of them (provided they have not yet started kindergarten).  Make it even more fun and read as a family!
  • Do we have to read books from the library? No, you can read books from anywhere.  Just remember to log them!
  • Can I count a book more than once?  You can! Record the book as many times as you read it!
  • What happens when we are done?  All children that finish will get a new picture book dedicated to them in honor of completing the program.  They will get the first check-out and their success will live on our shelves and be an inspiration to others!  They will also be invited to a BCCLS-wide party.

For More Information

Email christen.governale@oradell.bccls.org, call us at 201-262-2613, or visit the Junior Room Circulation Desk.

How to Get Started

  1. Register at http://oradellbnj.readsquared.com/ or the Junior Room Circulation Desk
  2. Log the books either on the paper logs or on your smart phone app.
  3. Bring your log to the library at each 100 milestone for a small reward.
  4. Reap the rewards!
  5. Enjoy!


Reading Lists

There is NO set reading list for this program.  Children and caretakers are encouraged to read what interest them.  However, if you are looking for suggestions, here are a few lists:

  • Books Your Child Should Hear Before Kindergarten
  • Booklist For 0 – 24 Month-olds
  • Booklist For 2 – 3 Year-olds
  • Booklist For 4 – 5 Year-olds

And of course, ask your librarians for recommendations!

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