Basic Principles
In selecting books and materials the Oradell Public Library subscribes to the principles in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, the Library Bill of Rights adopted by the American Library Association, the Freedom to Read Statement of the American Library Association and the American Book Publisher’s Council, and the People’s Rights to Libraries Statement of the New Jersey Library Association.
Consideration in building and maintaining collections at Oradell Public Library always takes into account the contribution that the selected and acquired material makes to the breadth of representative viewpoints on controversial issues.
Responsibility for Selection
The professional staff (certified by state of NJ with Master’s Degree in Library and or Information Science) is responsible for the selection of all print and digital materials, under the supervision of the Library Director.
Criteria for Selection
The selection of all materials shall be made with the goal of developing a well-rounded collection that meets the needs and interests of the community, taking into consideration the ready availability of more than 5 million titles within the Bergen County Cooperative Library System. Staff will select materials that make the best use of available financial resources. New materials will be selected in a variety of formats (print and digital, including audiobooks, e-books, DVDs, online databases, etc.) using authoritative printed reviews in such media as Kirkus, New York Times Book Review, Library Journal, Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, School Library Journal, etc. Staff will evaluate and replace retrospective materials of current usefulness as needed consulting collection development tools such as Fiction Catalog and Public Library Catalog, and the basic lists of the American Library Association. Oradell residents’ requests shall be given due consideration for purchase. No attempt shall be made to provide textbooks, but those which can be used for general informational purposes and materials supporting school curricula may be acquired, providing that they meet the standards of this selection policy.
Usage statistics, including circulation; public surveys; and the experience of the Library staff may be used in assessing the current collection, acquiring materials based on this information, and de-accessioning (weeding) materials that no longer serve the public according to this information and the standards of this selection policy.
Reference Collection
The Library recognizes the importance of maintaining a reference collection to benefit the citizens of Oradell. This collection consists of print and digital resources, which provide a wide-ranging research collection that mirrors the various interests of the community. Special reference collections include genealogy resources (such as Ancestry Library Edition) and the materials in the Local History and Archive Room. The Library also maintains a special New Jersey collection consisting of materials of local, regional, and state historic and general interest. Professional staff regularly reviews the reference collection for the purposes of updating and acquiring new materials and to discard resources which are outdated and no longer needed.
Local History & Archives
The Local History & Archive Room within the Library contains material relating to the history of Oradell. It includes photographs, scrapbooks, manuscripts, works of art, audio/visual material and other artifacts. The Oradell Public Library, the Borough archivist, and the Borough historian work together to make these materials accessible to the public.
Circulating Collections
It is the function of the Oradell Public Library to provide print and digital materials for all. Collections are selected to provide pleasurable reading for reading’s sake and to provide information in all topics which are of interest. The Library emphasizes print and digital materials which stimulate imagination and learning, foster a love of literature, and provide information in readily accessible formats. Accuracy, literary and artistic quality are important criteria. A wide range of reading levels will be accommodated, with library materials supplied to encourage all levels of ability. It is the policy of this Library that the borrowing of appropriate library materials, suitable for each child’s needs and interests, is the ultimate responsibility of the parent. The Library will not restrict children in the selection of books and all other materials for borrowing.
Gifts and Donations
The Library collection has been greatly enriched by financial donations applied to purchase selected print and digital materials. Donations of used books, DVD’s, books on CD, etc. will be accepted only if materials are in excellent condition, were published within 3 years, and are current best sellers. A professional librarian shall determine their suitability to the collection. Materials that are not added to the collection may be placed on the book sale or may be discarded.
Collection Assessment and Evaluation
Weeding is a term describing the removal of library materials which contain outdated information, are no longer of interest, or are in very poor condition. Weeding is performed as a regular, ongoing process in the interest of keeping all collections current and useful. Withdrawn materials in good condition are put in the Friends of the Library book sale.
Reconsideration of Library Materials
A complaint concerning the content of library materials from Oradell residents may be given formal recognition using an American Library Association form, provided for this purpose, filled out and signed by the complainant. A committee composed of the Library Director, the Information Services Librarian or the Youth Services Librarian as appropriate, and the Second Vice-President of the Board of Trustees shall then be asked to completely read (or hear or view) the material in question and discuss it from the standpoint of the criticism made. When the material has been so reviewed, the committee shall make a report to the Board of Trustees for final determination. The Library shall be responsible for making accessible to the community the total library resources of our area and shall cooperate with other libraries in order to offer the greatest possible access to all library materials.
Support for Library Collections
The primary responsibility of funding the Library and its collections is through local taxation. The Library seeks outside sources of funding for special collections, beyond the scope of the operating budget, through the Oradell Public Library Foundation, the Friends of the Library, and other local civic or social groups. Grant funding is also sought where appropriate.
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees – November 9, 2022